9-12 Tea Party Interviews

Ah... It felt good to watch this video... Real good : ) Amazing that people don't even understand what they are protesting... The Right is doing a bang up job with the propaganda... Props fox, props Limbaugh, props Beck, it blows my mind that people follow u like zombies... Must be some kinda brainwashing...

Fox New Caught In A Lie... Again...

Boy o boy the people at Fox News must think that the American people will follow anything that they say no matter if it is true or not... Come on how can anyone get news from a source that is constantly bias and untruthful? Wake up sheeples...

The Blind Sheep

Seriously do a little fact checking on Fox News... It doesn't take long before you find a HUGE list of inaccuracies... They are easily the most bias news network out there. Silly Americans do some research!

Obama Is A Socialist!

I really can't believe how extreme the right has become... They are getting pretty desperate I guess... Seriously... Just listen to what this news reporter has to say about the whole thing... Sums up America pretty well I think...

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