Today Is Blog Action Day!!!

To tell you the truth I didn't even know about blog action day until just yesterday, but as soon as I did a little research about the project I went out and put banners to promote this day on most of my blogs. There is truly power in numbers and every little event like this brings the issue of climate change a little farther into the spotlight.

With Al Gore and the IPCC recent win of the Nobel Peace Prize I think that a major worldwide movement is beginning to form. The nah-sayers that have been funded by oil and energy companies can only keep up the fight so long, before the just look silly.

The fools in The White House can only stay into power for another year (way too long in my opinion), but it will change with the power of the people. Majority rules in most cases, this one was just clouded by a lot of dirty money that funded research to try and refute the hard evidence that man is causing climate change. Sure there will still be organizations like Fox News and Exxon Mobile that try and sway public opinion, but last time I check they are not a large board of climatologist from around that world gathered together to study climate change like the IPCC are they?

So join the cause and help promote Blog Action Day, click here to visit their site!

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