George W. Bush 8 Years Ago

It is always great to check back on what politcians say while they are campaigning and see how many promises they actually kept and policies they outlined and stuck with. If it wasn't so damn sickening I would have put this one in World's Funniest Video... Here is the worst president in the history of the United States, George W. Bush... failed wars, a crippled economy, hatred of America around the world, a climate that has worsened while we stand by doing nothing, I don't know what more he could have done to leave this country in worse shape...


Ed Bruner said...

You don't know what he could have done to make the country worse? Wait until we see what BO will do. Corruption is his real middle name.

There may have been Global Warming but it is over...and man didn't cause it. Its time to wake up and stop being so partisan.
You guys are the reason for Bush's failures. In tearing him apart, you tore the country apart.

1Green Thumb said...

Now that is funny : ) Bravo you are a complete fool and I really do appreciate you pointing out just what is wrong with this country of our...

One of the global warming deniers too, wow you really should do a bit of research before opening your mouth...

I hope God saves you and yours from Global Warming... Maybe if we pray enough we will stop producing the CO2 and other greenhouse gases that are causing this major shift in our climate.

O and by the way his middle name is Hussein...

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