Digg This And Then Ban Exxon Mobile

The most powerful corporation is one of the most corrupt... for some reason this doesn't really surprise me in the world that we live in? Exxon Mobile has now been accused of trying to bribe scientists with $10,000 to change their scientific findings and dispute Global Warming. Not to mention, they just reported record profits of 39.5 billion dollars, so what are we going to do about it? Just sit around and watch gas prices and pollution levels rise along with their profits?

Maybe we should try and make them pay by boycotting their gas stations? Or better yet, walk or bike to work and on short trips. It is a small step that a lot of us could take against Exxon for... well lets see, trying to destroy the planet, and humanity itself with it's own greed.

Here is a couple videos take a look...

If you would like more proof you can check out Exxpose Exxon or stop Exxon Mobile!. It certainly seems to be up to our generation to make a difference, so get out there and do what you can...



Unknown said...

Exxon should go down in a blazing glory for what they have put us through. I want my money back!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Amazing. It's just amazing how greedy people can be. There is kust not enough money for them...

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