I Want a New Drug...Or Do I?
One industry that I have not spent too much time on is biotech. These stocks seem to be just another form of speculation, only this time instead of the consumer it is up to a biochemist and eventually the FDA to even approve these drugs for sale. This all has to happen before they can ever hit the market and become profitable. Of course, they will probably be bought out by a Pfizer or Merck long before that. I am not particularly fond of this industry as a lot of the companies operate behind closed doors, and you pretty much need an insider's scoop of sorts before I would put anything on the table. Even then profiting from people getting sick is not really my thing. Nowadays, it would appear as if they have a pill for everything. The last few commercials I have seen are even targeting children. It really caught my eye to hear a child on television telling me how great it was to be Clariton clear. It sure seems to me like the drug companies are in bed with the FDA considering the flood of new pills all accompanied by their own advertisements, just in the last few years. Or perhaps, the FDA just made the rules much more loose then they used to be. The drug company's argument probably was since they are telling them all the side effects as the radioactive Lunesta butterfly gently glides through the air, there is no harm in releasing it to the public. They don't really care, as long as their pockets are jingling.
Don't get me wrong there are a lot of quality companies out there working for the greater good, but watch out its is a jungle out there. What do you think of the biotech industry? Bull, bear or just a lame duck?
I guess it has an advantage and disadvantage as well. It benefits us in a way that it help us cure our diseases. The other is, it's kinda distressing that there are some companies who makes their medicines so expensive, that they surely get profit from dying, sick people. Not to mention that there are plenty poor people who got affected by this kind of propaganda.
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Lovely blog yyou have
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