Inventor Of Water Powered Car Murdered?

This was an amazing video that was just released today on Google Video. This man Stan Meyer's built a car that runs entirely on water. The car gets 100 miles to the gallon, which is just astonishing. Well, what do you think happened to this earth changing inventor.... hmm the man was allegedly poisoned, and died in 1998. Later that week all of his equipment and the car that he created has stolen and never recovered. Stan Meyer's had spoken repeatedly about how he was being threatened by oil companies, but refused to bow to their wishes of abandoning the project.

You can learn more about Stan
here or you can just google his name. You can view the actual patent here. Please show this video to as many people as you can before it is pulled from google video. It is really sad that the technology is already here in our world we just can't use it, because of our government and oil companies do everything in their power to keep it off of the market.

Wake up people before it is too late...

You can check out how oil companies and The White House deceive us right now here and here, or learn about who killed the electric car here or just watch the video below.



1Green Thumb said...

You can find out more about Stan Meyers here...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,reminds me alot of what happened to the electric car........

MrZ said...

... son of a bitch! He figured it out!?

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you all talking about? this has got a be a hoax. The water fuel guy is alive and well:

Anonymous said...

The technology isn't lost or "stolen" if over 42 patents were filed. If he has/had anything worth while it would be easy to get the details from the USPTO.

Jason said...

This video looked really awesome, but I did some research on Wikipedia, and it looks like his invention was somewhat of a hoax... sad.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I used to work at a Kinko's in Dublin, OH where Stan Meyer would bring in his brochures and business proposals to be photocopied. He would mutter darkly about 'sinister forces of oil' squashing his invention. He exuded crankness like you wouldn't believe.

The fact is, if you have a vehicle that will do amazing things on a cup of water - take it to downtown, and drive around in it for all to see! Give a television reporter the keys! Take it to the mechanical engineering department at Ohio State and demonstrate it to the professors! It's that damned simple! You'd be a friggin national hero, and oil companies wouldn't have a chance of stoppping you!

Instead this guy created pseudo-scientific brochures and tried to raise money from skeptical foreign investors. He was either delusional or he was a scam artist.

-Matthew M.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why are the people claiming fraud listing Wikipedia as their source?

Anonymous said...

Protip: If the oil companies murdered him, they'd PROBABLY want to cover up their tracks somehow. For all you know, the water cell could have worked, but the guy was murdered and the OIL companies made everyone think otherwise by using it's resources of cash to edit wikipedia and change history.

Anonymous said...


Any physics/chem student will tell you that the energy content of water is less than the energy it takes to extract that energy.

Anonymous said...

Are these the same breed of scientific students who used to say the earth is flat?

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether or not I should believe in this. It sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
The US wants so badly to break its addiction on oil. If this invention was real, I am sure we would have heard of it and it would have been a huge hit.

By Computer Tech

Anonymous said...

It's not a scam, but it is a slight ly sensationalist misstatement. It doesn't literally run on water. It runs on electricity produced in a hydrogen fuel cell, and the hydrogen was extracted from water. Water is the raw material used prior to separation into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis, and water is also the waste product from the fuel cell. There is no claim of overunity. It's not a scam.

Energy is certainly lost during electrolysis, compression of the gas, operation of the fuel cell, the motor, and transmission of the kinetic energy. This is far less than 100% efficient. However, it is a very significant invention in that it is the proof of a concept which would help wean the world off of petroleum. The cars would instead be indirectly running off of nuclear power plants owned by the electric utility. That is why the oil industry would hate the invention.

Anonymous said...

The US government is not in charge of the US. The US citizens are not in charge of the US either.

Instead, the US is run by large, soulless corporations.

Anonymous said...

"why are the people claiming fraud listing Wikipedia as their source?"

Hmm, because thats where the fraud is documented perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Its wiki though, it cant be taken seriously

Anonymous said...

did you say 1998? old, who cares about the past...

Anonymous said...

Wiki's been proven more reliable than any print encyclopedia. :)

Anonymous said...

actually, the bond between oxygen and hydrogen is not that strong. You could break it using quick jolts of high-powered electricity going from one electrode to another. You'd generate ozone as a buffer, hydrogen, and oxygen, which is absolutely trivial to produce, then you combust hydrogen with oxygen as the accelerant, all pure, and your byproduct is water, which goes back into the tank with pressure from the resultant explosion. The only thing you need is a battery powering something generating ozone, and we can do that easily with a low voltage high amperage battery pretty easily. This isn't violating the second law because there's an external energy source involved, yet you can still do this relatively easy.

Anonymous said...

don't be stupid, wiki is polly the most unauthoritative source you can find.

Anonymous said...

"Wiki's been proven more reliable than any print encyclopedia. :)" - That errors per hundred statistic was derived from the wiki's first year of existance, back when the public knew nothing about it and only professionals/intellectuals used it. Now it is nothing more than a glorified blog.

Anonymous said...

This guy was proved a hoax in court. he was denounced by expert witnesses. Are you saying that court records are unreliable too?

Oh wait, everyone who doesn't believe you is in bed with the arab oil interests. So where the hell is my paycheck, you dirty arabs?


Anonymous said...

> Are these the same breed of scientific students who used to say the earth is flat?

You bucking buttard. Easy to doubt cause you have no idea what you're talking about.

> This isn't violating the second law because there's an external energy source involved, yet you can still do this relatively easy.

He said you could charge the battery off the dynamo.

Anonymous said...

Why use electrolysis!
When you subject water to 6000 degrees of heat it breaks down into H2 and O2 inside the "combustion" chamber.

This process is the basis of several US government patents that use plain water to blast artillery shells over the horizon. If it can do that, it can push a piston down

See Patent Application:20040145354

Anonymous said...

"Why use electrolysis!"

how much energy does it take to heat water to 6000 degrees?? the whole point of his invention was to produce zero point energy.

Anonymous said...

Impossible. The concept is wonderful, but the entire process isn't possible. Energy doesn't just appear out of thin air; his claim boasts a negative energy loss. Also, wouldn't the process of separating hydrogen and oxygen, in order to BURN the hydrogen not yield water as a byproduct, at least not in the quantity required to produce the endless loop of water/hydrogen/combustion/water claimed.

Even if the entire system was exactly 100% efficient, the energy lost to friction and drag would lower the overall efficiency of the vehicle. Again, I don't understand where this excess energy to recharge the battery would come from.

If that would work, we'd all be driving around in wind-powered electric vehicles, you drive, the wind moving over the car spools up wind turbines, recharging the system.

Anonymous said...

Ive spent a lot of time looking into this and from what ive seen its credible, as some of the patents required proof that it could work. I also recently ran into a former NASA scientist and decided to pop the question about stan meyer, he said he wasnt familiar with the name, but that the exact process i described is used in aircraft, and could reach cars if/when politics opens that door. no conspiracy aside from meyer being poisoned, just plain old polotics. and its not zero point energy, that refers to enegery stored in the space between atoms. there are people now trying to reproduce meyers water-powered car, and some have the concept down and can complete the process, but are working on retrofitting an automobile to work with it. there are also several similar technologies in exeistance, one guy ran a chevy cavalier (2000 i think) on water using a different process that involved very low level radiation but was shot down by the FCC. I have heard other stories as well, such as a pill you add to a tank of water that creates combustable fuel that burns hotter than gasoline.. thats only a story though, while i believe it due to its source, i have no evidence, and therefor dont expect you, the reader, to. and there is PLENTY of energy in water, the hydrogen within it is several times more combustable that gasoline, and therefor requires less volume to do its job. in water form no, there is no combustion, but once the hydrogen is released, thats when a feasible fuel for an Internal Combustion Engine comes to light.

Someone also once told me that a kit is sold in New Zealand to convert to water power, but Im not sure where or if its even online. if you find it post it. I havent yet, but that was word of mouth, and you know how that can be.

on another note, this is not FUEL CELL technology with the hydrogen powers a battery which powers an electric motor, this hydrogen is fed diractly into the combustion chamber of an engine just like the one in your focus, or blazer, or civic or whatever. theres no fuel cell, the energy is created by an alternator which turn the same as if the car ran on gas, belts and pullys. its typically a low voltage, low amperage charge at a specific frequency that causes the water to fracture. and as for stan meyer being shot down in court, it wouldnt suprise me. its kind of an out there thing, but there is substance behind it. Judges are not know all be alls, they do make mistakes and make wrong calls. especially in the US.. its gotten kind of retarded on some level what the court system has become here. and wikipedia, come on. it doesnt suprise me that a lot of people think its a rediculous idea, but the science is there. and there are many things today that people 100 years ago would have thought impossible. just my 2 cents...

Anonymous said...

This story is pure bullshit. The man in the video is alive and well in Clearwater, Florida.

1Green Thumb said...

Check out the following link, it was released a day after the original video. It describes how cold fusion and fuel cells work. It just seems like the technology is out there it is just not mass produced for some reason ; )

Unknown said...

1GreenThumb said: You can view the actual patent here. [...] we just can't use it, because of our government and oil companies do everything in their power to keep it off of the market.

A patent is an extremely detailed description/diagram of an invention which would allow someone else to recreate it. If it were really a government conspiracy, wouldn't the patent data have also disappeared? For the same reason, this technology is not lost, and nor can the "big bad" oil companies prevent anyone from using the technology since when the patent expires it will enter public domain.

1Green Thumb said...

1GreenThumb said: You can view the actual patent here. [...] we just can't use it, because of our government and oil companies do everything in their power to keep it off of the market.

In my defense the [...] is

"It is really sad that the technology is already here in our world we just can't use it, because of our government and oil companies do everything in their power to keep it off of the market."

It is really amazing what a quote can sound like when you simply cut a part of it out : )

Electric cars were proven to work and where pulled off the market by GM which I am sure was encouraged by these "big bad" oil companies. If you don't beleive me then just search for "who killed the electric car" it is a very disturbing story. If we do not take action soon these "big bad" oil and car companies will destroy our environment and in turn maybe humanity it self...

Robyne said...

Victor Schauberger did his research into water in the 1920's and they tried to shut him up.


Anonymous said...

I live in Columbus, Ohio. I knew people that were close to this guy. I have more than seen him drive a VW Bug running on water/electric. It wasn't bullshit.

Anonymous said...

can't someone just search death notices or obituaries in ohio? i'll try but i don't have alot of money and sometimes you gotta pay for background searches, so any conspiracy dudes out there with loot or time or both, get on it! and settle this, and we do as a people need to look way more into this stuff and spread the word if it is real and spread the word even MORE if somebody snuffed this dude!

Anonymous said...

In response to a large number of comments made about "big bad oil companies" Look at the wars around the world created in the name of oil and financial gain. Beyond that we have the son of a billion dollar oil tycoon as a president and his father was president before him...What do you really think their interest is? The wellfare of this nation? Putting an end to the regime in Iraq? If they are willing to commit this country to war over oil and kill however many people they feel necessary in their cause they sure as hell wouldn't mind snuffing out 1 man to supress his invention that could lead the world away from their multi billion dollar business. Oh, another point. Do you really think these people with all this money who are willing to pay large sums of money just to shut this man up don't have the means to at the very minimum "influence" media or anything else they desire in order to make us dependant upon their product whether it be true or just an idea in our mind planted there by the powers that be. Be scepticle and don't believe everything you read but at the same time @ least look at the scenario that's right in front of you.

Anonymous said...

Here's a real shocker for all of you. The technology has not been supressed, oil companies ARE out to make profit no matter what - just like most other businesses. BMW ( has been working on its hydrogen car for over 30 years and I've seen it like millions of others around the world. Do some proper research instead of building hot air balloons out of emotional speculation!

Anonymous said...

If only the world belived in this new invention it might acctually work and we would be driving around in Aquygen powered cars that will probably cause some sort of other problem seeing as how the left over O2 is probably being released into the atmospehere and will probably cause another kind of global warming thing!

Anonymous said...

It's all about money, that's for sure. There is a way to keep off their radar (their being big oil) and I'm going to find it and build a water car. I think the technology is sound and it is not hard to understand.

About Stan Meyer: if any of you were being pursued by big men in black suits with guns to your heads, what would you do, how would you react? Go Bruce Lee on them, go ahead and try it, you won't get too far. Would you seek police help? The police as well as the government is a playtoy of big oil, if you were to be lucky enough to find the one in a thousand cop that believes in water cars, you would still have to submit paperwork, which is in the system long enough for someone with a billion dollars to wipe his butt with to get a hold of and follow up on. It is very dangerous to do, but I think most could do it. It just takes being totally secretive, but not conspicuous about it. If big oil snoops on you from the sky, build it in a garage. Try not to make too much extra heat or the FBI will look in on you thinking you're growing weed or something. You would of course, need to make as muny of your own tools/supplies needed out of what you already have, or at least don't buy everything from (hypothetical) Water Cars 'R Us. Buy something from Wal-Mart, something from a mechanics shop, something from a parts store and the rest from junk yards where nothing is documented, for example. Of course, if you have a history of any kind, especially about alternative technology like water powered cars, you probably wouldn't want to try this.

If you are unlucky enough that big oil snoops so much even on people they don't think are up to something, and finds out you are building a water powered car, then we are all doomed, and we deserve to be doomed to let a man into the white house who would let companies have so much power.

-Ranting Raving Madman

p.s.: If this is a double post, please forgive me, it does not show my post on the lists so I was simply making sure it got up.

Anonymous said...

Right, and to all the people who say the "water guy" is alive and well in Florida, that's a different guy. The guy who we're talking about here is Stan Meyers. The newer guy with the welder and modified "water-car" (a 1994 Ford Escort, read about him or watch the video here: in Florida is Denny Klein.

Anonymous said...

Separate hydrogen and oxygen from water? Must be difficult? How pray tell do you think a submarine can stay under water for months at a time. Really folks the military has been doing this for years.

A sub takes in seawater converts it to potable water, drinking water, pulls out oxygen for breathing and since they don't need the hydrogen it gets expelled into the seawater. Makes little bubbles as I understood it.

What? Do you really think that have massive air tanks of oxygen for all those months they are under water full time? You kidding me right?

Oh, the car that runs on water is a hybrid car that was already designed to run on hydrogen, the only application change here is the source of that hydrogen and at last check GM has created such a car. Check out the Chevy Volt by GM, it needs a hydrogen cell to run.

One dumb question how many people replying here negatively work for an oil company and have a vested interest in discrediting the work of water as an oil replacement?

Anonymous said...
How easy it is for innovation to be stifled by the elite.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think those submarines have a nuclear reactor on board?

Anonymous said...

That's just amazing!

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People using CIA and FBI computers have edited entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia on topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo prison, according to a new tracing program.

Anonymous said...

Gee, now we can have all those
turd worlders living next to us!!
Gotta have controls to regulate growth, otherwise things get out of
hand, like 1.3 billion living in
Chicken cages in Chi-com China.

Anonymous said...

I beleive this is real... I found a copy of the patents... Has any one bought these????

Type this into ebay...

"7 Patents CAR Water Fuel Cell Hydrogen Generator on CD"

Ebay member: bethadt is selling them with a buy it on ebay for $15.00

Please let me know if it works.

Anonymous said...


Its me again... Has any one checked this out???

Ebay member: billy_tampa

Is selling....

Hydrogen Generator Run your Car on Water Hydrostar book

You can find more info on this website....

Let me know if it works...

Anonymous said...

I bought one of these machines and it works very well. I pay nothing for fuel for my car. I can't understand why it's not being mass marketed.Strange.

Unknown said...

Now just hold on everyone, you all have the opportunity to wiki, google, search engine this thing to pieces, thats very obvious.. Think, just spin the story around, whats the most abundant thing on earth, dont be silly, just facts.. aqua...h2o, without h2o, we're history, it is the most precious commodity we have, imagine this is true and we build cars and trucks and planes and trains that run off water, where will we find water, behind a fence, with guards and guns, the water is yours and mine just like the oil and gold and diamonds, live life like you want, but remember, it will end and if you have believed it will not matter, what we need is a concious shift, critical mass thinking, we want our planet back from the capitalists, thats all... no guns no wars, just loving thoughts, wake up people. Peace

Anonymous said...

let me ask this question...who controls the information on widely known sites such as wikipedia...

thats all im sayin.

Anonymous said...

"who controls the information on widely known sites such as wikipedia"

who cares if we have health, wealth, and prosperity?

Anonymous said...

Meyers technology of splitting water into a burnable gas has a large following of believers. However, the fact remains that more energy is being used to produce the HHO gas. Meyers used an alternator with a series of simple electronics to pulse voltage across stainless steel plates/tubes submersed in water. The pulsing effect was to avoid energy loss via the water getting hot and boiling. He installed this into a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. He tried to use this method to produce enough HHO gas on demand to run the engine. Many have tried to replicate this technology with limited results. It appears that the Hydrogen being produced by this method DOES actually help an engine to run but only "help" it does not allow the engine to run solely on the gas produced. You simply cant develop enough gas for the amount of energy being put in. Using more alternators generates more power but the efficiency gains are lost because the engine has to work harder to push the alternator.
That said there are some benefits by adapting your vehicle to run on this technology. There are many people making their own Hydrogen cells and fitting them to their vehicles. Many of them claim to get more mpg. I tried it myself and i did get a small increase in mpg but at the very least my carbon emmisions were less than using petrol alone.
Meyers abandoned this technology in favour of trying to split the water into Hydrogen gas inside the engine cylinders. He designed water splitters that take the place of your spark plugs and passed high voltages and water across the splitters. Once again with limited results. He changed his direction with this technology because he realised that Hydrogen electrolysis cell technology was pretty worthless as an alternative fuel source. I say that but in the context of using an internal combustion engine to produce the HHO gas.
The concept of using Hydrogen as an alternative fuel source is viable but only if you source the electricity used to make the hydrogen from free energy. ie wind,solar and geothermal. Scientists in Iceland already have a filling station where you can fill up your Hydrogen car from a Hydrogen filling station. The Hydrogen is being produced from the exact same technology as Myers was using. They are using geothermal heat to produce the electricity which is free energy. This makes the whole Hydrogen concept viable.

Anonymous said...

Hey there I liked your site I've made a blog where you can make your own water powered car it easy to do goto

Humphrey_Bobs said...

Wasn't Teslas Idea of Free Wireless Energy Distribution better?

I mean they've reinvented the wheel for computers (wireless energy).

Whats wrong with building the Electric Tower, to distribute energy at a Flat Rate? Cars would be able to run without petrol.

Electric Cars are a Reality and have been since Gas Cars.

Does the price of oil need to climb to $200 a barrel for people to be pissed enough to get rioting?

Its reached $100 ...& I'm angry.

Water seems a bit Stupid, cos its Hydrogen and hydrogen needs 5 miracles to succeed according to this film "who killed the electric cars".

Love Dubai btw...all built with Oil money... I bet when Westerners go there, all the saudis titter while charging them $7000 for one night at a 7 star hotel.

*rollseyes* :)

Anonymous said...

I got a site here that claims to run your car on water Run your car on water

Anonymous said...

All the oil companies are owned by the 3 big banks. All the bankers are very greedy people. Each time a free energy patent comes to light, the patent office (acting on behalf of big bankers interest) for years shot down many "free energy ideas" at face value. Now though, we are growing too smart too fast, and too many people have discovered this technology. So patents were eventually issued and companies are now growing in this new industry. There are about 12 US companies offering or developing retrofit kits for existing cars/trucks etc.. This is the real macoy ladies and gentlemen, Vote RON PAUL so we can realize this dream. Big business govt politics will not allow it to flourish in America if we dont vote for Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

First lets start with fire to make it easy for some of you who dont belive. Fire has to have 3 things: O2, ignition source, and fuel. Agreed. Good. Now hare is a simple expirement you can do in you own home. This will seperate water into Oxygen and hydrogen. You need 2 graphite pencil leads, a 9volt batt, 2 jumper wires and a glass of water with a half a teaspoon of salt. Now connect the 2 jumper wires to the 2 leads and connect the other ends of the wires to the batt. 1 pos and 1 neg. Put the leads into the water fairly close but not touching and watch it happen before you very eyes. This man is doing pretty much the same thing but much faster. Oil co's are keeping this technology down for obvious reasons. Now if you catch the gases and ignite it, it WILL create fire. If this fuel were to be used in an internal combustion engine the Alternator would recharge the batt as it does normally. GM has already produced hydrogen cars. They produce pure water as an emission. This is Not an everlasting energy source though, water will have to be replaced.

Nicholas said...

As far as The Wikipedia article... did anyone notice that it has been LOCKED?? That is, unlike all other articles by wikipedia, it is not open to changes by the public. Fishy???

Anonymous said...

The technology is already here: it's in your car and you don't know it!!! Oil companies sell you nothing but plain water at 2.50$ a gallon!!!

Unknown said...

Guys, I hate to be the one to tell you but, It's not a hoax because if it was, I would not have a hydrogen booster on my 2002 yukon at this very moment and I fill up once every two to three weeks. You scientific geeks go figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

Investment scams are great for reeling in people(and government organizations) that have no real scientific knowledge.

H20 + energy -> 2H + 0 -> H20 + more energy is a mathematical impossibility.

The same reason why mass/energy is conserved is why 1 + 1 does not equal 3. If you can prove 1 + 1 = 3, I am willing to give you two dollars but I will be wanting 3 back.

Anonymous said...

Here in New Zealand in the late '60s lived an inventor by the name of Lester. He built the first 360 degree revolving house when everybody said it couldn't be done. Now they have restaurants etc. that do this. He got to working on a water powered car. I don't know what processes he came up with, but I do know he worked for months in secrecy and ordered parts from all over without letting anyone know what they were all for. In the end he had it running and was very excited. Soon word got out and he was contacted by the NZ Government who summoned him to Wellington instructing him to bring everything - all paperwork etc. Our friend (now in her 80s) knew him and said he came back like a deflated balloon. He thought he was off to a hero's welcome but he was instead told he could go no further as the oil companies would be too upset. He had to relinquish everything and no doubt there was monetary compensation, but that was the end of his water powered car.

Anonymous said...

Hymm, Maybe this is why our government is building concentration camps, not just for illegal aliens. Is it possible they plan to snuff out all rebels that dare stand against the oil companies. Maybe they snuffed out Meyers also for his apparently incredible inventions. Well for some reason, I dont believe the water powered car will ever come to fruition, even if it really did exist.

Anonymous said...

If you're interested in buying an easy to use manual on how to convert your car to run on water/gasoline visit this site:

It is a very comprehensive manual and really worth it! I am currently converting my car and not only am I thoroughly enjoying the process, but I'm also looking forward to reaping the financial rewards when its done and I cut my fuel costs in half!

Anonymous said...

you people take everything out of context. wiki said that A COURT deemed it a fraud......a court. run by men, who like money. who's to say they are not the frauds. do you know how much can be paid to say some negative crap about something if the people who want it debunked are ka-trillionaires. you people who call this a fraud without checking for yourselves, are idiots. not everything told by higher-ups is meant for correctness, or your well being.......welcome iraq to the equation.

Anonymous said...

Well, I wasted $49.95 on the plans, built and installed it. Now, the savings in fuel is almost this rate I figure it will only take about a thousand years to reap my investment. In other words, you save a hell of a lot more by reducing you speed by about 1 MPH. As it works today, it is basically a SCAM...pure and simple. As far as the fellow who said he pays nothing for fuel for his car, You Sir, are a LIAR!!

Anonymous said...

And you sir are a right, royal twat, who obviously can't install a flippin' lightbulb, probably an oil company disinfo merchant....

Closed minded scum like you are the bane of humanity.

Anonymous said...

My God! I thought people in general were getting dumber and that I see how many people bought this perpetual motion machine scam (zero energy loss...LOL) my worst fears are confirmed. We are headed for the idiocracy. I especially like the guy who says, "I spent a lot of time researching this and it seems credible". Dude! How much weed do you smoke every day...I thought I was bad but you must get up in the middle of the night and smoke a couple bombers just to keep yourself in the perputually stupid state you demonstrate. In case it's not clear, hats off to the guys who tried to help these poor stooges understand that a water powered car is a those of you who still believe...I hope your pockets are as deep as your wits are dim...I will be inventing a car that runs on your accumulated farts...gets 50 miles per pound of brocoli.

Anonymous said...

People that think you can't get more energy out than you put in have never heard of an atomic bomb.
Henry Garrett patented an electrolytic carburetor in the 1930's. Movie Tone Newsreel made a short on it and the Dallas Newspaper reported on it, not once but twice was it publicly demonstrated.
Look it up. The patent is still available online.
Running a vehicle on hydrogen is NOT a scam. Ask Daniel Dingle. Look him up too. There is WAY too much money behind oil/gas for them to give in/up without a fight.
Its not a USA thing its a WORLD thing. And its NOT a zero energy product either. It is proven technology albeit not readily publicly available!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Mr. Broccoli.
It was PIG SHIT methane that ran the cars in Europe during World War II.
Since you are obviously such a learned man with a very extensive vocabulary, you probably knew that already though didn't you.
Why is it that people that are "ignorant" of things always revert to name calling and personal attacks to try to get their points across, hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Toyota has a system of recharging batteries based on heat generated from brakes, etc.

Pour water into tank.
Electricity seperates water into H2 and O2
Electricity is used to ignite H2
Brakes are used to conserve heat energy lost during braking process to recharge battery.

Anonymous said...

To the buttard who said that this is a hoax due to H2O breaking down into H2 and O, maybe you should try to calculate the possibility of O existing into the natural environment. It is almost impossible. When H2O breaks down, it will happen so fast that when Oxygen ions seperate they will immediately bind to other oxygen ions in the system due to orbital affinity. Study your periodic table again.

Anonymous said...

For all of you who think this is a scam, look at BMW, GM and other manufacturers who are already producing hydrogen powered vehicles. DUH

Anonymous said...

Japanese car runs on water:

So it would seem that now the japanese will make money on a revolution that an american originally made.

So if this story is really true then not believing this guy is a huge loss in income and prestige for USA.

Anonymous said...

Im glad if the Japanese get the prestige. They deserve it. They don't have companies (CEO's which are also AMERICAN) trying to hold back human progress...and the US. You can even go as far to say as these people are hurting America. American companies will drift behind until they stop holding humanity back with this money-hording that they love to do best

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by and thought I'd comment....

1. Nobody seems to have seen the video where Stan describes the process. It's not a net gain perpetual motion process and anyone who ever thought they heard a claim either didn't understand or was listening to someone who shared the same shortcoming. And he didn't use electrolysis - there's no efficiency in that which is why nobody does it. He used some type of magnetic force to vibrate the water molecules at resonant frequency, splitting them into their component gasses at a fraction of the energy input required by electrolysis. I'm not going to explain resonance, I don't feel qualified to do so properly.

2. A lot of you people are really assholes to eachother! What the hell? And it's curious that the worst offenders, doing the most name calling, are all anonymous. If this site wants to have real utility going forward it will have to filter such nonsense. If you haven't got anything nice to say, go surf porn.

Anonymous said...

If you went back 100 years and told everybody that you could destroy an entire city with just a few pounds of enriched Uranium, They would have said you were a crackpot too. I remember when I was in grade school, they taught us that there was enough energy in a glass of water to power an ocean liner around the world. So why then is it inconceivable to imagine it running a car 100 miles?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that the age-old argument concerning water-powered-cars dates back to the 1308 A.D. (when Pirates and Ninjas first started fighting against one another). Pirates love water because it helps their ships float. Ninjas despise water because it is necessary for them to drink it when they are thirsty, thus giving Ninjas a reminder that they are mere mortals. Why are we wasting time discussing water-powered cars? If we would just concentrate on finding out how Ninja smoke capsules cause a person to dissapear we could do away with vehicles all together. (I found all this amazing information on Wikipedia! Knowledge is power!)

Anonymous said...

I have tried a few of the Hydrogen "boost" systems and I can honestly tell you they do work but nowhere near the claims made by each! I get maybe 10 to 15% improvement in my lawnmower.. Zero in my car! nothing, in fact, i think they car ran worse.. These devices simly can not produce the amount of Hydro gas required to run your car period! Best case is 1.5 LPM.. I think its a good start though but you really need to beware of these scammers.. if for nothign else but pure educational usage, i say go for it and build one, it is fun to do.. but keep in mind, you will spend more money than you could possibly save buy using the system in your car.

I built a few of these with my san's, we had a great time but was VERY disappointed with the results as far as fuel mileage goes.


Anonymous said...

Can we run our car with water and gas?
Can anybody tell me is the HHO Gas is real working or is another scam?

Anonymous said...

There are not words to describe the magnitude of this tragedy. It is the greatest injustice in history as it effects all of humanity and the earth. This catastrophe exceeds the burning of the Royal Library of Alexandria in the fourth century A.D., which set back the industrial revolution by a thousand years.

This scientific advancement is greater than the discovery of electricity by Benjamin Franklin, greater than the day Edison switched on his Pearl Street generating station's electrical power distribution system changing our world forever. It surpasses the achievements of Nikola Tesla who's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current and helped usher in the second industrial revolution.
arch 1998, Stan was poisoned and died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. According to his brother Steve, the U.S. Government came to Stan's home a week after his murder and confiscated his car, which got 100 miles per gallon of water, and they stole all of his research equipment which he had used to develop the new technology.

Stan had been threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp. Stan said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelve his idea but he said, "No, this technology is for the people."

Anonymous said...

why?what reason?it's very simple:the dollar is denominated in oil,not water.
the end of the gold standard in 72 for valuating our currency,oil became the new standard that is denominated in dollars.we (usa)achieve our economic objectives by writing loans thru I.m.f. and the world bank.woh to the dictator or president,who did not heed(allende,torijos,noriega) our economic imperatives.these loans undertaken in the name of development are made with generous terms to the lenders,and when default occurs renegotiation concedes further economic resources at better terms.
basically stan threatened the whole apple cart by potentially ruining the basis of our economy,and in turn(it's the oil stupid*noam chomsky)
that threatened the economic securtiy of powerful interests not to mention ramifications of national security for the u.s.a.
mind you I am not agreeing or positing any political stance I'm just infering what I have read IN john perkins secret history of the american empire,who also wrote confessions of an economic hit man.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should youtube : ring of power-illuminati this 31 episodes is an eye opener and shows the truth about how mankind is CONTROLLED!!!
LOOK up who has patented HHO!! and what they are researching!

Anonymous said...

hi, just browsing by, and i checked that you guys are debating about water fueled car... well im not a scientist or anything nor a genius, but if you have a LPG fueld car its the same as water so tinkering with my dads lpg tank i used the same tech w/ water and used a freaking inverter to convert my cars 12v to 220v and used only about 400watts of ellectricity, yes i know its only 400 watts but i only use it when my car is already started up and use water to run it but i cant go that far though since i have a small container i can only use it bout 10-20miles then i have to get more water

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Anonymous said...


i hope this site may be help many people.....Has anyone tried another water for gas kit?

i think many people don't have to try something to understand that it works.
I've seen facts on the news and all over the Internet, that running a car on water IS possible. Even that I haven't
tried doing it, it doesn't mean that it's impossible.

this is not spam but i want many people to see other choice.Has anyone tried the kit? like water4gas,runyourcaronwater etc.
Is it really a scam? if you don't satisfy you can asked for more pain

You can truly get better mileage....

thank you very much for visit my site

Anonymous said...

I have recently encountered the water powered car and it is not a new idea, see here.

It is also believed to be possible by a great number of people includine prominent scientists. There is a lot of information in old patents but some is quite unclear. If you look at the theory behind the hybrid water car it is based on sound science however releasing this energy from a solely water powered car is beyond anyone's understanding yet.

Many websites and reviews of such marketed products do have positive things to say about the hybrid water powered car so I think it would be ignorant to dismiss something as a hoax simply because it is outrageous by conventional thinking. People who said the world was round were ridiculed for their beliefs at one time

Anonymous said...

Check out the "Orion Project". They claim to be coming into possession of the Stan Meyer technology.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the posters here? His claims violate the 1st and 2nd law of Thermodynamics, i.e. there are no perpetual motion machines.

Is it easier for you to believe in a conspiracy or that somehow a guy who never graduated college, adjudicated against and lost in an Ohio court for fraudulent claims, and never allowed his invention to be tested by an independent party was killed for his invention?

Don't be so fucking stupid! Learn science and you'll realize what a joke Stan Meyer's claims were.

Anonymous said...

I guess it is easier to believe that some dude made unsubstantiated claims that boggled tens of thousands of smart scientific personnel who have worked on cheap fuels problem for decades with a "magnetic force that vibrates the water molecules" (fyi: they call that a microwave oven) than to believe he was a huckster. As one poster put it, there is enough energy in a glass of water to create enormous electric power, but the only way known to science to get it out is a Hydrogen bomb. Not what you'd call a practical solution for running an engine. Please help the IQ of the gene pool and consider castration before you pass your genes onto posterity.

Actually, I heard Jesus Christ created the first engine that runs on water. Stan just stole the idea from him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am the kind of hombre who enjoys to try radical stuff. Currently I am fabricating my personal solar panels. I am doing it all by myself without the help of my staff. I am utilizing the net as the only way to acheive that. I ran across a truly awesome website that explains how to build pv panels and so on. The internet site explains all the steps involved in solar panel construction.

I am not really sure bout how precise the information given there iz. If some people over here who had xp with these things can have a look and give your feedback in the page it would be awesome and I would really value it, because I extremely take an interest in solar panel construction.

Thanks for reading this. U guys rock.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if anyone is falling for this ridiculous conspiracy theory, that's just sad. Do a little research. Stanley Meyer's claims have been thoroughly discredited again and again by the scientific community for a long, long time. He was full of it and never proved his inventions worked.

Anonymous said...

Water is known to thermally dissociate into the elements of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) with enough heat. So, why don't they just inject water directly into the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine?

The heated engine would break the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen and oxygen would undergo chemical combustion to produce water and release a lot of energy in the process to power the vehicle.

It certainly would get rid of all the complicated frequency converters, batteries, and such. you see a problem with my proposal?

Seo blog said...

Students do have the problems.

Truth said...

The Japanese have just successfully repeated Stan's work. Vids of it on youtube. So all you brainwashed "scientists" can throw your pompous, arrogance over theories you've simply memorized out the window. Stan was a pioneer and free thinker, something most "scientists" no nothing of. Plus if you read the details surrounding Stan's trial to prove his invention worked, you will clearly see he was sabotaged on every level. When he gave his testimony of the scientific details for how the device works, the audio recording machine "malfunctioned" and the judge said it was okay to continue the trial which is completely unlawful as this was important evidence that would have been in court files forever for future scientists and inventors to verify. Stan also filed for an appeal which pretty much shows he was no fraud. why would someone practicing fraud insist on an appeal and retrial if they were lying. He had the goods to back his claims if he hadn't been purposely derailed. BTW Wikipedia is a useless propaganda wasteland.

Truth said...

Stan Meyer was a hero of the people that was ruined just like Tesla. The saddest part of this is how many of you spit in the face of such great thinkers willing to give their lives for the people based on incomplete info. and half truths. The "fraud" label has been used to ruin many of the greatest discoveries of the modern age because it threatened those in power. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! Read more than a few sentences from one source before you draw your conclusions. That's what real science is all about.

Truth said...

It's sad how many of you pollute a good forum with foolish brainwashed trash just because you can't understand something and want a bit of attention. Stan gave his life trying to free the people from the Oil Cartels and many of you could careless. It seems some of you have grown to like being raped on a daily basis by big brother. its the only love you probably get. you can stay on your knees and keep servicing "THEM" while the rest of us continue to stand for freedom. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we as a Nation Demand & Vote to bring on the New wave of water power technology! Starting this Earthday there will be a vote! look for us:
friend your voice!

kingshurst automotive said...

It seems that people "waking up" isn't good enough in this age. The claim that the economic problems we face is everyone's fault is nonsense. Corporate greed is responsible, as soon as you acknowledge that and the fact that nothing can be done about it, you can sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

Unknown said...

this tech is very real . but if you were to use it this planet would end up like alot of others so dry that you could not survive and we would have to go to other worlds and steal there water and that means interstellar war. sounds far feched watch battle La . there are not to many worlds with liquid hydrogen and oxygen h2o the thorium battery is already being used the military nasa and sat.companies all use it . alot of sattiltes dont have solar panels they have thorium batteries . cadillac has annouced it has a electric car that the battery will last for 90 YEARS WITHOUT RECHARGING they cant say that it dont exist that would be a mistake .

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